Created to retrieve the content of the Archivio Storico Multimediale del Mediterraneo, the portal acts as a management tool and single access point for the consultation of the digitised heritage of the Information System of the Italian State Archives and the Archival and Library Superintendencies.
The centralised technology infrastructure that underpins the platform is managed by ICAR, the Central Institute of Archives, with the aim of administering and publishing online the digital reproductions that are fed into the system, to which each conservation institute has independent and customised access.
In the user environment, it is possible to both browse the documentary records and their digitisation projects, and to perform a targeted search of the documents on the basis of time interval or chronological parameters.
The platform is based on metaFAD software and optimised to support the EAD3 format, and also permits the import of data from the SIAS-SIUSA national archive information systems.