Biblioteca and Complesso monumentale dei Girolamini

The library and documentary heritage of the Girolamini is now visible online

A revamped portal and a catalogue library with 700,000 searchable pages

The project to enhance the rich cultural heritage preserved in the Biblioteca and Complesso monumetale dei Girolamini involved the digitisation of over 7000 books, manuscript resources and archive documents, now accessible online in high-quality photographic reproductions and also via mobile devices. Filing, indexing and cataloguing activities were carried out on all the archives involved in the project, consisting of a vast quantity of valuable materials.

The institution’s digital repository - created with metaFAD software and interoperable with national collections in the sector - makes it possible to consult the library collections, the manuscripts of the Music Archive and the documents of the Historical Archive on a powerful viewer which is capable of reproducing the smallest graphic details of the pages and compliant with the standards of the IIIF, the international image interoperability framework. A virtual environment with intuitive and innovative tools that makes the material, art history and scientific legacy of a priceless archive accessible to the general public and the world of specialist research.

Biblioteca and Complesso Monumentale dei Girolamini
Cultural heritage
2022 - 2023
Graphic customisation

Types and quantities of resources managed

34.295 printed texts
3.487 manuscripts
59 archives
1.824 archive units
647 document units
422 notated music records

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