
European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH)

ECHOES’ mission is to set up the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH), a shared platform designed to facilitate collaboration among heritage professionals and researchers.


The project

The ECCCH platform will offer access to data, cutting-edge scientific and training resources, and advanced digital tools, all developed collaboratively by the heritage community to meet their specific requirements.
ECHOES will integrate the currently fragmented communities within the Cultural Heritage (CH) sector, creating a unified environment that supports the digital transformation of both tangible and intangible assets, enabling interaction, manipulation, and enrichment of digital counterparts with the goal of creating a semantically rich and collectively produced "heritage of tomorrow".
ECHOES stands out for promoting a holistic approach to the digital transformation of cultural heritage, going beyond mere digitization and fostering new scientific knowledge through collaborative tools. The project aligns with other European initiatives to avoid duplication and is supported by a heterogeneous consortium representing over 1.000 organizations across Europe.
By integrating the results of European and national projects and maintaining an inclusive and sustainable legal entity, ECHOES aims to create a solid pan-European network of stakeholders, ensuring continuous collaboration and innovation in the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage.

city and clouds



The ECHOES project is structured around four main pillars: Community, Knowledge, Innovation, and Sustainability, with an additional cross-cutting pillar.

The Community pillar focuses on building and organizing the ECCCH community, providing training for the adoption of Digital Commons, or common digital assets. The Knowledge pillar develops the cloud infrastructure for system hosting and organizes knowledge to ensure the digital continuum of managed resources. The Innovation pillar creates vertical applications and ensures the health of the ecosystem through continuous assessment. The Sustainability pillar ensures the long-term sustainability of the cloud. The cross-cutting pillar addresses management, communication, and integration among the various projects.

For more information, visit the ECHOES website.


The role of GruppoMeta

The activities of GruppoMeta focus primarily on the technical development and integration of the ECHOES platform and one of its vertical applications. Our expertise in digital transformation has been deemed essential for designing and implementing the infrastructure necessary for the ECCCH.

GruppoMeta will also contribute to the creation of tools for enriching and validating metadata, leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to ensure high-quality, accurate, and interoperable metadata across the platform.

Additionally, we will be responsible for developing user interfaces and ensuring the usability of the platform for various stakeholders.

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The European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Info Day 2024 highlights the launch event of the Horizon Results Booster, a service designed to maximize the impact of research projects funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. The event included a workshop session aimed at improving dissemination and valorization strategies, promoting synergies among projects, and providing tailored support.

For more information and to participate in the ECCCH, visit the Horizon Results Booster Event website.


The ECHOES project offers several key solutions to enhance the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage:

  1. Data Integration: Enables the aggregation of data from multiple GLAM sources—Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums—to build and connect cultural knowledge.
  2. Ontology Development: Generates formal descriptions and representations of knowledge within specific domains for structured data management.
  3. Advanced NLP Tools: Leverage Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to enrich the descriptive metadata of resources, link content entities, and perform semantic analysis of their meanings.
  4. Collaborative Platforms: Facilitate interaction, manipulation, and enrichment of the digital counterparts of cultural heritage resources.
  5. Sustainable Digital Ecosystem: Ensures long-term persistence and continuous improvement of digital heritage resources.

For more information, visit the ECHOES website.


ECHOES is a project funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement n.101157364 – ECHOES. The views and opinions expressed in this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


Funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee n.10110142 & n.10110466.


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